A guide to the Zax programming language

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Zax Programming Language


Intrinsic system literal conversion

Zax does not perform type conversion, promotion or demotion of intrinsic compatible types. Casting operators as or unsafe as must be used to convert from one intrinsic type to another type.

An as operator and an unsafe as operator work in similar manners. Both convert an intrinsic value from one type to another. With intrinsic types, an as operator would cause a panic situation if data would overflow when converting from a source type to a destination type. Whereas with intrinsic types, an unsafe as operator will not panic even when converting from one type to another but unsafe as can cause either loss of information in an overflow, or data corruption / undefined behavior in another extreme with incompatible types. An as operator attempts to do a compatible conversion whereas a unsafe as will treat the types as compatible even when they are not compatible.

i8 := -127 as I8                    // `as` can convert the value into an
                                    // I8 type without overflow
u8 := 255 as U8                     // `as` can convert the value into a
                                    // U8 type without overflow

u8Error := 256 as U8                // `as` will cause compile-time error
                                    // as value is overflow
u8CastError := 256 unsafe as U8     // `unsafe as` will succeed despite any
                                    // value overflow is truncated

value : Integer = 256
u8Panic := value as U8                  // `as` will cause runtime panic as
                                        // value is overflow
u8CastIgnorePanic := value unsafe as U8 // `unsafe as` will ignore overflow and
                                        // any value overflow is truncated

// converting from a `WideString`to a `String` is not always safe (but this case
// is safe)
string := w'hello' as String

// An unsafe conversion will cause a compilation error due to a string character
// overflow
stringError := w'this embedded literal "' h'16f' \
               w'" is not convertible' as WideString

// converting from a `String` to a `WideString` is always safe
string := 'always safe no matter what value'
wideString := string as WideString

// converting from a `Utf8String` to a `WideString` can cause runtime
// panic errors if the value contains an illegal UTF8 sequence
utf8String := utf8'© Snowman Industries (☃)'

// this can overflow and cause panic if the string contains illegal UTF8
// sequences (but won't in this case)
wideString := utf8String as WideString

// any illegal UTF8 sequences will be ignored and will not cause a panic
wideString := utf8String unsafe as WideString

// this can overflow and cause panic if the string contains UTF8 sequences which
// do not have an ASCII counterpart
asciiString := utf8String as String

// any utf8 sequence is ignored and the string is converted directly to an
// ASCII counterpart
asciiString := utf8String unsafe as String

// any illegal UTF8 sequences will be ignored and will not cause a panic
wideString := utf8String unsafe as WideString

wideString := w'Runtime value with a non-ascii value "' h'16f' w'" is not ' \
              'legal to express in an ascii string.'

// this will cause a runtime panic since it cannot be converted to ASCII
// (because the `as` keyword assumes all conversion is entirely legal)
stringIsRuntimePanic := wideString as String

// the overflow will be ignored during the conversion and the overflow value is
// truncated
StringOverflowIsIgnored := wideString unsafe as String

// the wide string is convertible safely into a utf8 string as an no overflow
// is possible
stringIsRuntimeSafe := wideString as Utf8String

Pointer casting using unsafe as

Any type can be converted from one pointer type to another pointer type using the unsafe as operator. A compiler will not perform any type checking on pointer type conversions to check if they are compatible. If a pointer type is cast to an incompatible pointer type and accessed then undefined behaviors can result.

An Unknown * can be used to hold a generic pointer to anything by casting with an unsafe as operator.

MyType :: type {
    // ...

// create an instance of `MyType`
myType : MyType

// take a pointer to the type using implicit pointer cast
myTypePointerOriginal : MyType * = myType

// using `unsafe as` convert to an `Unknown *`
unknown := myTypePointerOriginal unsafe as Unknown *

// using `unsafe as` convert from an `Unknown *`
myTypePointerCopy := unknown unsafe as MyType *

// the original pointer and the copied pointer match identically
assert(myTypePointerOriginal == myTypePointerCopy)

Casting a by-value type into a pointer

When a type’s instance is cast as a pointer, an address of the instance is taken. However, in many cases manual casing to a pointer type is unnecessary. In Zax, a value type will automatically convert to a pointer type implicitly for the same type without any conversion being required. For greater explicitness, the as operator can convert from a value to a pointer to the same type safely without introducing undefined behaviors.

A dangling pointer is when a pointer to a type’s instance is maintained past the lifetime of a type’s instance. Keeping a copy of a pointer is not safe. A pointer should be used within the scope of obtaining a pointer and no longer. Copying pointers across asynchronous functions is not safe. The underlying memory could be disposed prior to attempting to access the pointer to a type’s instance.

The unsafe as operator will forcefully convert any value type into a pointer of any other type. This type of conversion is not recommended as it can lead to undefined behaviors.

Examples of pointer casting:

MyType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

AnotherType :: type {
    value1 : Float
    value2 : WideString

func final : ()(input : MyType *) = {
    // ...

myType : MyType
anotherType : AnotherType

myTypePointer1 := myType as MyType *    // allowed
myTypePointer2 := myType as *           // allowed - type is deduced
myTypePointer2 : MyType * = myType      // allowed - implicit casting

func(myType)                            // allowed - implicit casting

// ERROR: cannot convert from myType to AnotherType * as the types do not match
myOtherTypePointer := myType as AnotherType *

// UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: casting a pointer to one type into a pointer of another
// can lead to undefined behaviors if the pointers are accessed
myOtherTypePointer := myType unsafe as AnotherType *

// ERROR: cannot convert from `AnotherType` to `MyType *`

// ERROR: cannot convert from `AnotherType *` to `MyType *`
func(anotherType unsafe as AnotherType *)

// UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR: casting a pointer to one type into a pointer of another
// can lead to undefined behaviors if the pointers are accessed
func(anotherType unsafe as MyType *)

Example of a dangling pointer:

MyType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

func : (result : MyType *)() = {
    myType : MyType

    // WARNING: `dangling-reference-or-pointer` is found which will cause
    // undefined behaviors if the pointer is accessed
    return myType

// hold onto the pointer beyond the lifetime of the instance where it points
danglingPointer := func()

// undefined behavior since the pointer points to memory for a `MyType` instance
// that is already disposed
danglingPointer.value1 = 5
danglingPointer.value2 = "hello"

Casting a pointer to a by-reference or by-value type

A pointer cannot be implicitly converted back to a by-reference type (or to a by-value type). A compiler does not allow this kind of casting to occur because a pointer may point to nothing and a programmer should check for Nothing (or decide they don’t need to check). If a pointer is not checked if that the pointer is pointing to a valid type’s instance then a panic may occur at runtime if the pointer actually points to Nothing.

An as operator can be used as one method to convert a pointer to a by-value or by-reference type, or alternatively the dot (.) operator can convert a pointer to a by-reference type.

The unsafe as operator will forcefully convert any pointer type into a value reference of any other type but this is not recommended as it can lead to undefined behaviors.

Examples of pointer casting:

MyType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

AnotherType :: type {
    value1 : Float
    value2 : WideString

funcByValue final : ()(input : MyType) = {
    // ...

funcByRef final : ()(input : MyType &) = {
    // ...

myType : MyType
anotherType : AnotherType

myTypePointer := myType as MyType *     // allowed

myTypeRef1 := myType as MyType &        // allowed - implicit casting
myTypeRef2 := myType as &               // allowed - deduced reference type
myTypeRef3 : MyType & = myType          // allowed - implicit casting 
myTypeRef4 : & = myType                 // allowed - implicit casting with
                                        // deduced reference type
funcByValue(myType)                     // allowed - copy
funcByRef(myType)                       // allowed

myTypeRef5 := myTypePointer as MyType & // allowed - implicit casting but would
                                        // runtime panic if myTypePointer was
                                        // pointing to `Nothing`
myTypeRef6 := myTypePointer as &        // allowed - deduced reference type but
                                        // would runtime panic if myTypePointer
                                        // was pointing to `Nothing`

funcByValue(myTypePointer as MyType &)  // allowed - copy but would runtime
                                        // panic if myTypePointer was pointing
                                        // to `Nothing`
funcByRef(myTypePointer as MyType &)    // allowed - implicit casting but would
                                        // runtime panic if myTypePointer was
                                        // pointing to `Nothing`

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a reference type
myTypeRef7 : MyType & = myTypePointer 
myTypeRef8 : & = myTypePointer

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a by-value type or
// a reference type

if myTypePointer {
    // safe because the pointer was checked if it points to something
    // valid and this code executes and the conversion is performed
    checkedType := myTypePointerToNothing as MyType &

// may runtime panic as `myTypePointer` was not checked if it is valid
// (although in this context it most certainly is a valid pointer)
myTypeRefA := myTypePointer. as MyType &// allowed - already a reference
myTypeRefB := myTypePointer. as &       // allowed - already a reference

funcByValue(myTypePointer. as MyType &) // allowed - copy
funcByRef(myTypePointer. as &)          // allowed - already a reference

myTypeRefC : MyType & = myTypePointer.  // allowed - already a reference
myTypeRefD : & = myTypePointer.         // allowed - already a reference
myTypeRefE := myTypePointer.            // allowed - copy with
                                        // deduced type

funcByValue(myTypePointer.)             // allowed - copy
funcByRef(myTypePointer.)               // allowed - already a reference

myTypeCopy1 := myType as MyType         // allowed - copy 
myTypeCopy2 : MyType = myType           // allowed - copy 
myTypeCopy3 := myType                   // allowed - copy with deduced type 

funcByValue(myType as MyType)           // allowed - copy of a copy
funcByRef(myType as MyType)             // allowed - reference to a copy

funcByValue(myType)                     // allowed - copy
funcByRef(myType)                       // allowed

myTypeCopy4 := myTypePointer as MyType  // allowed - implicit copy casting 

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a value copy
myTypeCopy4 : MyType = myTypePointer

funcByValue(myTypePointer as MyType)    // allowed - copy of a copy
funcByRef(myTypePointer as MyType)      // allowed - reference of a copy

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a value copy
// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a reference

// accessing `myTypePointer` may runtime panic if it points to `Nothing`
myTypeCopy5 := myTypePointer. as MyType // allowed - copy 
myTypeCopy6 : MyType = myTypePointer.   // allowed - copy 

funcByValue(myTypePointer. as MyType)   // allowed - copy of a copy
funcByRef(myTypePointer. as MyType)     // allowed - reference to a copy

funcByValue(myTypePointer.)             // allowed - copy
funcByRef(myTypePointer.)               // allowed reference to type

myTypePointerToNothing : MyType *       // points to nothing

if myTypePointerToNothing {
    // safe because the pointer was checked if it points to something
    // valid (this code will not execute)
    checkedType := myTypePointerToNothing as MyType &

myTypePanic1 := myTypePointerToNothing as MyType &  // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanic2 := myTypePointerToNothing as &         // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanic3 := myTypePointerToNothing as MyType    // PANIC AT RUNTIME

funcByValue(myTypePointerToNothing as MyType &)     // PANIC AT RUNTIME
funcByRef(myTypePointerToNothing as MyType &)       // PANIC AT RUNTIME

funcByValue(myTypePointerToNothing as &)            // PANIC AT RUNTIME
funcByRef(myTypePointerToNothing as &)              // PANIC AT RUNTIME

funcByValue(myTypePointerToNothing as MyType)       // PANIC AT RUNTIME
funcByRef(myTypePointerToNothing as MyType)         // PANIC AT RUNTIME

myTypePanic4 := myTypePointerToNothing. as MyType & // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanic5 := myTypePointerToNothing. as &        // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanic6 := myTypePointerToNothing. as MyType   // PANIC AT RUNTIME

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a reference type
myTypePanicA : MyType & = myTypePointerToNothing
myTypePanicB : & = myTypePointerToNothing
myTypePanicC : MyType = myTypePointerToNothing

// ERROR: cannot implicitly convert from a pointer type to a reference type

myTypePanicD : MyType & = myTypePointerToNothing.   // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanicE : & = myTypePointerToNothing.          // PANIC AT RUNTIME
myTypePanicF : MyType = myTypePointerToNothing.     // PANIC AT RUNTIME

funcByValue(myTypePointerToNothing.)                // PANIC AT RUNTIME
funcByRef(myTypePointerToNothing.)                  // PANIC AT RUNTIME

type casting using as

A type deemed compatible with another type can be converted from one type to another type using the as operator. Compatibility is determined by ensuring the destination type contains all of the same types in the same order occupying the same space in memory. The variable names for a type need not be the same but all underlying types must all be compatible. Likewise important qualifiers must not be lost.

Other considerations:

  • types declared as once are ignored
  • functions declared as final do not need to match in declaration with the exception of that captured data must also match
    • captured data types must be identical and in the same type order (otherwise value copy of the captured data cannot work)
  • pointers and references must be of equivalent types
  • reference can become pointers of the same type but pointers cannot become references (due to the assumption that pointers might point to Nothing whereas references always point to a valid instance)
  • values declared which are constant or final are ignored where no storage inside the type is required
  • the source type can have more contained values than the destination type and still match
  • type slicing can occur if a by-value copy casting is done (which may be desirable in some circumstances to extract the data out of a container safely)
  • casting as a by-value type will treat the source type as a type of destination and will use the copy constructor of the destination type to fulfill unsafe as request
  • casting as a by-value type will not be allowed if the destination type has disabled copy construction
  • a variable’s private keyword is ignored and a private value can be accessed as non-private values in the destination (if the destination does not declare the new variable for the type as private)
    • private is used to hide variables from view and should never be used as a method to keep data secret
  • constant qualification cannot be lost during the conversion
    • in by-reference / by-pointer conversions, any contained values must remain constant in the destination if the source had the type as constant
    • in by-reference / by-pointer conversions the type must remain constant if the source was constant
    • by-value conversions are not required to maintain constant qualification for contained types if the type’s values are copied and the contained types are not references or pointers
  • using as to convert from mutable and immutable is legal if the underlying types are deemed compatible
  • by-reference / by-pointer converting from an immutable to mutable is not allowed (even if the types are compatible)
  • by-value converting from an immutable to mutable is allowed (if the types are compatible)
  • the memory layout and alignment of a type up to the final type of the destination must be identical
  • narrowing or broadening of intrinsic types during a conversion is not allowed on contained types as the conversion would not be legal (since the types do not share a common memory layout)
MyType :: type {
    category final once : String

    age : Integer
    name : String
    height : Float

CompatibleType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

IncompatibleType :: type {
    name : String
    height : Float

myType : MyType

compatibleType := myType as CompatibleType     // allowed

// ERROR: the destination type is not compatible with the source type
incompatibleType := myType as IncompatibleType

byRefValue1 := myType as CompatibleType &    // allowed

// ERROR: not all of the values in `MyType` are available in `CompatibleType`
byRefValue2 := compatibleType as MyType &

type casting using unsafe as

A type can be force casted from one type to another using the unsafe as operator. A compiler will not make any validation that a source and destination type is compatible and using the unsafe as operator to convert one type to another can lead to undefined behavior.

If an unsafe as operator is performing a by-value cast, a source type will be treated as a destination reference type and given as an argument to a copy constructor of the destination type.

Warning: extreme caution must be used with the unsafe as operator as it is considered unsafe (which is implied in the name of the operator); the unsafe as operator is provided as a tool for programmers who understand the implications of treating raw memory of one type as raw memory of an entirely different type;

The example below performs unsafe unsafe as conversions which will likely result in undefined behaviors.

MyType :: type {
    category final once : String

    age : Integer
    name : String
    height : Float

CompatibleType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

IncompatibleType :: type {
    name : String
    height : Float

myType : MyType

compatibleType := myType unsafe as CompatibleType        // safe but discouraged

// WARNING: undefined behaviors will occur during copy construction
incompatibleType := myType unsafe as IncompatibleType    // unsafe

byRefValue1 := myType unsafe as CompatibleType &         // safe but discouraged

// WARNING: undefined behaviors will occur if `byRefValue2` is accessed
byRefValue2 := compatibleType unsafe as MyType &         // unsafe

as operator overloading

Types can implement an as operator to support custom conversion from one type to another. This type of conversion can only be done by-value as by-reference would not be logical (as a new instance is needed for an unrelated destination type to exist as a reference).

IncompatibleType :: forward type

MyType :: type {
    category final once : String

    age : Integer
    name : String
    height : Float

    // the input argument is discarded allowing a `type` to be specified rather
    // than an actual value to the `as` operator; if a variable name were
    // specified instead of a discard (`#`) then a type would not be allowed
    // as an input argument to this operator function;
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : IncompatibleType)(# : IncompatibleType) constant = { = name
        return result

IncompatibleType :: type {
    name : String
    height : Float

myType : MyType

// creates a new instance of `IncompatibleType` from `myType`
incompatibleType1 := myType cast IncompatibleType

// ERROR: no `as` operator that can convert to the destination type by reference
byRefValue1 := myType as IncompatibleType &

Disable as operators

Disabling as operators is possible by declaring as operator overload functions as final with the function declared as pointing to nothing. Individual as operators can be enabled by creating a definition for a type, or disabled as needed. All non-specifically enabled or disabled as operators can be disabled by declaring a meta-function as final pointing to nothing.

The compiler generates casting a type to a compatible type by-reference using as operators are automatic. These as operators cannot be overloaded by they can be disabled (in either a catch-all meta-function or by explicit enabling using default or explicit disabling by declaring a function that points to nothing).

IncompatibleType :: forward type
AnotherCompatibleType :: forward type

MyType :: type {
    category final once : String

    age : Integer
    name : String
    height : Float

    operator binary 'as' final : (result : IncompatibleType)(# : IncompatibleType) constant = { = name
        return result

    // explicitly enable the reference conversion and auto-generate the function
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : AnotherCompatibleType &)(# : AnotherCompatibleType &) constant = default

    // all `as` operators that are not explicitly defined will match this
    // lower priority casting meta-function where the compiler will
    // issue an error if this `as` operator is utilized (as no implementation
    // is defined, nor possible to define later as the function is final)
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : )(# : ) constant

CompatibleType :: type {
    value1 : Integer
    value2 : String

AnotherCompatibleType :: type {
    value1 : Integer

IncompatibleType :: type {
    name : String
    height : Float

myType : MyType

// ERROR: this `as` operator is explicitly disabled
compatibleType := myType unsafe as CompatibleType

incompatibleType := myType as IncompatibleType  // allowed

// ERROR: this `as` operator is explicitly disabled
byRefValue1 := myType as CompatibleType &

// ERROR: cannot convert to the destination type by reference
byRefValue2 := myType as IncompatibleType &

byRefValue3:= myType as AnotherCompatibleType &  // allowed

Casting as default

The deep, last, and move qualifiers can be reset to their default qualification state by casting as default on a type. These qualifiers become converted to shallow, lease, or copy as appropriate. This allows for qualifications to become easily stripped from an input argument type in a generic fashion. Since shallow, last, move, deep, lease, and copy are all mutually exclusive, casting using as default simplifies the qualification reset process.

print final : ()(...) = {
    // ...

MyType :: type 
    a : Integer
    b : String

func final : ()(value : MyType& lease) = {
    print("Called after each func")

func final : ()(value : MyType& deep) = {
    func(value as default)

func final : ()(value : MyType& last) = {
    func(value as default)

func final : ()(value : MyType move) = {
    func(value as default)

myType : MyType

func(myType as deep)
func(myType as last)
func(myType as move)