A guide to the Zax programming language

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Zax Programming Language

Except Error Handling

The except is not the same as exception handling. All return results are normal output arguments on functions and can be treated as such. However, the except keyword can help create quick function exits and perform exit error chaining and the catch keyword can help create quick handlers for error conditions. Otherwise, error results are the same as normal results in every way.

Error handling using the except keyword

The except keyword performs an as Boolean cast on a named return output argument from a function being called, and if it evaluates as true then the function immediately performs a return with the captured value from the function that called the function with the except statement (as a kind of short circuit). The name of the return variable from the called function is placed after the except keyword, and the compiler will perform a best match of the type evaluated in the except to one of the output arguments from the calling function (which also has output arguments qualified as except). The “best match” rules will allow for automatic implicit conversion if one of the return results accepts the except result as an input in its constructor. If a best match cannot be determined, an except-ambiguous error is issued by the compiler.

As the except captures the results from a called function, those results are no longer viewable as returned values for the calling function. Effectively the except results are fully consumed.

login final : (
    lastLogin : String,
    error : Error
    username : String
) = {
    if banned(username)
        return #, # : Error = "You've been banned from our service."

    return "October 7, 2020", #

renderAccount final : (myError except : Error)(username : String) = {

    // The `except` keyword will capture a return result and if the return
    // result evaluates to `true` the result will automatically be returned
    // with all other results retaining their defaulted values
    lastLogin := login(username) except error

    // This is equivalent to doing the following code
    lastLogin:, capturedError: = login(username)
    if capturedError
        return capturedError

    // return the default error value (which for `Error` is assumed
    // to indicate no error in this code)
    return #

Error handling using the except keyword with multiple errors

The except keyword can be placed more than once after a function call if more than one output argument is considered an error. The calling function must have except on its output argument that match the types being evaluated in the except statement. The compiler will attempt to match the return type of the except variable to the return type of output arguments. If a best match cannot be determined, an except-ambiguous error is issued by the compiler.

As multiple except clauses can be post-pended to a function, each performs an individual except as Boolean check and performs a possible quick return from the calling function. Each except is evaluated in order where the first except evaluating as true causes an immediate short-circuit. The “best match” rules will allow for automatic implicit conversion if one of the return results accepts the except result as an input in a constructor.

login final : (
    lastLogin : String,
    error : Error,
    networkError : NetworkError
    username : String
) = {
    if !networkConnect()
        return #, #, # : NetworkError = "Global outage failure."
    if banned(username)
        return #, # : Error = "You've been banned from our service."

    return "October 7, 2020", #, #

renderAccount final : (
    // notice the `except` keyword is placed on the return arguments indicating
    // which values can accept the results of the `except` statement
    myError except : Error,
    myNetworkError except : NetworkError
    username : String
) = {

    // The `except` keyword will capture a return result and if the return
    // result evaluates to `true` the result will automatically be returned
    // with all other results retaining their defaulted values
    lastLogin := login(username) except error except networkError

    // This is equivalent to doing the following code
    lastLogin:, capturedError:, capturedNetworkError  = login(username)
    if capturedError
        return capturedError, #

    if capturedNetworkError
        return #, capturedNetworkError

    // return the default error value for Error which is assumed
    // to indicate no error in this code.
    return #, #

Except as optional return argument

The except keyword on an output argument indicates the output argument is mutually exclusive to a valid input argument. The return statement can explicitly return a value into the except output argument or the except keyword can be used to return a value explicitly into an except qualified output argument.

login final : (
    lastLogin : String,
    error : except Error
    username : String
) = {
    if banned(username)
        except # : Error = "You've been banned from our service."

    // the `error` output argument did not have to be acknowledged because
    // the variable is an `except` variable and will be defaulted to an
    // empty error type (whose result `error` should resolve
    // as `false` for the caller)  
    return "October 7, 2020"

except and ! appended after a function call with implicit conversion

The except statement allows a single ! prior to the return name from the calling function which indicates an as Boolean of false is the except condition rather than the typical true case. The “best match” rules will allow for automatic implicit conversion if one of the return results accepts the except result as an input in a constructor, or if the except type has an as operator to convert to an except type. The “best match” will consider a constructor as priority over an as operator.

Good :: type {
    // ...
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : Boolean)(# : Boolean) constant = {
        // ... returns `true` if the type is in a good state ...
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : Error)(# : Error) constant = {
        // ... converts to an Error type ...

Error :: type {
    +++ final : ()(good : Good) = {
        // ...

externalFunction final : (good : Good)() = {
    // ...

myFunc final : (
    result : Integer,
    myError except : Error
)() {
    if externalFunction() except !good

except and ! appended after a function call with explicit conversion

The except statement allows a single ! prior to the returned name from the calling function which indicates an as Boolean of false is the except condition rather than the typical true case. The “best match” rules will allow for automatic implicit conversion if one of the return results accepts the except result as an input in a constructor, or if the except type has an as operator to convert to an except type. The “best match” will consider a constructor as priority over an as operator. However, the as operator can be applied to the except keyword to cause explicit conversion using a conversion routine from the except type.

Good :: type {
    // ...
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : Boolean)(# : Boolean) constant = {
        // ... returns `true` if the type is in a good state ...
    operator binary 'as' final : (result : Error)(# : Error) constant = {
        // ... converts to an Error type ...

Error :: type {
    +++ final : ()(good : Good) = {
        // ...

externalFunction final : (good : Good)() = {
    // ...

myFunc final : (
    result : Integer,
    myError except : Error
)() = {
    // explicitly invoke the `as` operator on the `good` argument
    if externalFunction() except !good as Error

except and catch error handling

Calling a function returning an except error result can be captured using the catch clause and optionally without the valid return path ever executing.

print final : ()(...) = {
    // ...

MyType :: type {
    // ...

Error :: type {
    // ...

myFunc final : (myType : MyType, myError except : Error)() = {
    // ...

doSomething final : ()() = {
    scope my_scope {
        result1 := myFunc() catch myError {
            // return from the function explicitly

        result2 := myFunc() catch myError {
            // break out of a named scope (but breaking any scope would work)
            break my_scope
    // ...

except and catch error handling with multiple except types

Calling a function returning multiple except error results can be captured using the catch clause optionally without the valid return path ever executing. The catch and the except can be intermingled as desired. Catch can perform an “or” operation on the returned errors where any one error converting to true will cause the catch block to execute.

print final : ()(...) = {
    // ...

MyType :: type {
    // ...

Error :: type {
    // ...

myFunc final : (
    myType : MyType,
    myError except : Error,
    myOtherError except : Error)() = {
    // ...

doSomething final : (error: Error)() = {
    scope my_scope {
        result1 := myFunc() catch myError {
            // return from the function explicitly returning the error
            return myError
        } catch myOtherError {
            break   // break out of the innermost scope

        result2 := myFunc() except myError catch myOtherError {
            // break out of named scope
            break my_scope

        // if either `myError` or `myOtherError` cause an error the `catch`
        // block will execute
        result3 := myFunc() catch myError myOtherError {
            // break out of named scope
            break my_scope
    // ...

except and ! with catch error handling

The catch statement allows a single ! prior to the returned name from the calling function which indicates an as Boolean of false is the catch condition rather than the typical true case.

print final : ()(...) = {
    // ...

MyType :: type {
    // ...

Good :: type {
    // ...
    operator binary 'as' final : (error : Error)(# : Error) constant = {
        // ...

myFunc final : (myType : MyType, success except : Good)() = {
    // ...

doSomething final : ()() = {
    result := myFunc() catch !success {
        print(success as Error)
    // ...

Functions input / output composition with except

Input and output composition with except requires a function prototype with output arguments which include the except keyword on the returned values. Without this prototype declaration, the except clause would not know where to place the potential except result and in which order.

A full prototype can be defined, or many of the types and variable names can be implied. The names of output return variables are defaulted to the name of the last calling function in the chain, or the name of the except variable. If two except variables become defaulted with the same name because of except, an except-ambiguous error is issued by the compiler. If two (or more) except results become combined to the same output argument type which have different defaulted except names, the first except name in the chain becomes the defaulted name.

Example of the prototyping of the functions:

func1 final : (result : Integer, error: Error)(input : String) = {
    // ...
func2 final : (result : String, error: AnotherErrorType)(input : Integer) = {
    // ...

func3 final : (
    result : String,
    error1 except : Error, 
    error2 except : AnotherErrorType
)() = func1 except error >> func2 except error

// two errors share the same type thus will be combined to the same result
func4 final : (
    result : String,
    error1 except : Error,
    error2 except : AnotherErrorType
) = func3 except error1 except error2 >> func1 except error

value : Integer, error1:, error2: = func4("5")

Implied prototyping value names and types for functions:

func1 final : (result : Integer, error: Error)(input : String) = {
    // ...
func2 final : (result : String, error: AnotherErrorType)(input : Integer) = {
    // ...

// the names `error1` and `error2` are explicitly declared on the output
// argument but each becomes filled with an error of the two types in
// the same order as their usage
func3 final : (#:, error1 except:, error2 except:)() = \
    func1 except error >> func2 except error

// the output argument names become filled with `error1` and `error2` and
// the final `error` becomes combined into `error1`'s slot since it
// shares the same type
func4 final : (#:, # except:, # except:)() = \
    func3 except error1 except error2 >> func1 except error

// ERROR: `except-ambiguous` will be issues as func1 and func2 both `except`
// different error types yet assume to use the same defaulted `except` slot
func5 final : (#:, # except:)() = \
    func1 except error >> func2 except error

value : Integer, error1:, error2: = func4("5")

Function invocation chaining and except

Functions can chain with other functions and short circuit using the except mechanism. An except will cause an immediate return from a function if one of the except results evaluates as true when the as Boolean is applied. The standard except mechanism applies and the except checked variable is consumed from the return result leaving the remaining values to become part of the remaining chain.

When an except value is encountered that evaluates to true (or false if except !value is used), the entire chain is short circuited at the except point.

double : (result : Integer)(input : Integer) = {
    return input * 2

square : (result : Integer)(input : Integer) = {
    return input * input

halfAndModulus : (
    result : Integer,
    result : Integer)(input : Integer) = {
    return input / 2, input % 2

divideBy : (
    result : Integer,
    error: Error
    num : Integer,
    den : Integer
) = {
    if 0 == den
        return #, # : Error = "divide by zero"
    return num / den, #

myFunc final : (
    result : Integer,
    // declare all return types that can be the `except` result as `except`
    myError except : Error
)() = {
    // this will cause a "divide by zero" error and the function will be short
    // circuited and immediately return `error` into `myError` as this is the
    // best type match
    result := 5 |> double() |> square() |> halfAndModulus() |> \
              divideBy() except error |> double()

    return result